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Statutes of the Digital Resilience Institute

Article I. Name and Registered Office

I.1. Name of the association: Digital Resilience Institute z. s.
I.2. Registered office: Plzeň


Article II. Description of the Association
II.1. The Digital Resilience Institute is an independent multidisciplinary association, that supports the empowerment of human digital capabilities in a rapidly evolving changing world. It brings together experts to create and disseminate the latest findings on the use of innovative technologies so that they can help companies, the public sector and individuals.


Article II. Purpose of the Association

III.1. The association strives to strengthen the digital capabilities of people in a rapidly evolving changing world. It promotes cooperation between public administrations, academia and practitioners from across Europe in order to share knowledge on digital technologies, stimulating cutting-edge research and the promotion of responsible, human-centred Innovation. Ultimately, the association helps to create a more viable and sustainable future for people and planet.

Article IV. Forms of Activity

IV.1. The forms of activity of the Association are in particular:
(a) Developing and supporting innovative projects, as well as the publication and promoting their results.
b) Exchange of information and experience between members of the Association and third parties, including the creation of links between academia, the public sector, businesses and the general public at national and at international level.

(c) Cooperation with the European institutions on projects aimed at preparing or reforming digital transformation policies, and resilience.
d) Operation of the official website of the Association and use of other social media to fulfil the goals of the association.
e) Organising events, workshops and conferences to exchange knowledge.
f) Any other activities that contribute to the fulfilment of the purpose of the Association.

Article V. Subsidiary Economic Activity

V.1.    The Association may carry out subsidiary economic activities in support of its main purpose.

Article VI. Supreme Body

VI.1. The highest body of the Association is the Members' Meeting.

VI.2. The Members Meeting shall be convened by the Chairman or by at least three members at least once a year.

VI.3. The Members' Meeting shall in particular:

(a) admits members;

(b) decides on the amount and payment of the membership fee;

(c) elects and dismiss the Statutory Body; and

d) decides on amendments to the Statutes.

VI.4. The Members' Meeting may also take decisions outside the meeting in writing or by technical means. The internal regulations of the Association shall lay down the conditions and rules for such quorum.

Article VII. Statutory Body

VII.1. The Chairman is the statutory body of the Association.

VII.2. The Chairman is elected for an indefinite period. Alternatively, until he/she is removed by the Members' Meeting or ceases to be a member of the Association.

VII.3 The Chairman shall act independently on behalf of the Association. 

Article VIII. Membership in the Association

VIII.1. Membership in the Association is of two types: full and honorary.

VIII.2. Members of the Association shall be admitted by the Members' Meeting.

VIII.3. A member of the Association is obliged to abide by the Statutes, to actively defend the interests of the Association, to observe the internal agreements and not to take any action that would be contrary to the interests of the Association.

VIII.4. A member of the Association has the right to attend Members' Meetings in particular. A full member shall participate in decision-making with his/her vote. An honorary member participates only with an advisory vote.

VIII.5 A full member of the Association is obliged to pay membership fees in the amount determined by the membership meeting.

VIII.6 The Association shall maintain a list of current and former members.

Article IX. Final Provisions

IX.1: The first Chairman of the Association shall be: Jiří Bouchal

IX.2. The first members of the Board are:

a) Jiří Bouchal

b) Hugo Kershot

c) Susan McAleer

IX.3. The statutes were approved by the founders of the Association, which the founders confirm with their signatures.

IX.4. The founders of the association authorise Jiří Bouchal to submit a registration of the Association in the Association Register.


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